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Student Life 2021

1-2 hours  per week. The average  classhe most very important issue that affects the scholar life is that the value of it slow. Being a student we tend to should do everything on time as a result of it never waits for anyone. There ar whole totally different stages in our life. one all told these stages is student days. Student life is taken under consideration as a result of the foremost vital quantity of our life. Our future dreams, needs and hopes depend upon it. Student life could also be a quantity of preparations. it is a quantity of education. At now, our mind is like clay. Clay conjointly be|is also} a soft issue and also the potter designs various things out of the clay. Like clay, our mind can also be fashioned in many ways in which within which. Once the pots ar created their kind cannot be changed. Likewise, once our character is created in an exceedingly approach, it cannot be changed merely. If we tend to tend to form right use and receive good education throughout our student life, we tend to tend to shall win success in future. On the other hand, if we tend to tend to aren’t serious at currently, we tend to tend to can’t attain our goals. Students, therefore, need to be very careful. we tend to tend to ought to suppose seriously before every step we tend to tend to require. we tend to tend to ought to learn new things the most quantity as potential at this era. Students ar the long term leaders of a nation. The prosperity of a nation depends on its students. we have got a responsibility to accumulate correct education, maintain good character and live a good social life. Obedience, diligence, regularity and forbearance ar the very important parts of student life. we tend to tend to ought to learn perseverance; it is the foundation of all success. If we tend to tend to ar idle and cannot travel in line with time, we tend to square measure ready to attain nothing. The most very important issue that affects the scholar life is that the value of it slow. Being a student we tend to should do everything on time as a result of it never waits for anyone. Obeying one’s people and teachers and respecting and infatuated one’s elders ar the nice virtues of a student. Another very important a vicinity of a student’s life is his/her social life. A student ought to have good discipline and he/she ought to be co-operative with everyone. Social life influences our character in some ways. Many students enter faculty expecting good times, relationship associated an honest sense of direction. They shortly confirm that schools go together with challenges and struggles as a results of the nice demands and expectations that ar placed on the importance of education. Students experience a decent deal of stress repeatedly. Thus, it is vital for them to manage an accurate routine and continue it. Student life is that the higher a part of associate individual’s life. At currently our main task is to review. we tend to should stop thinking of something and take into account education. Education ought to run the very best priority

Contributed by:

Sheikh Jahid Ali

Grade: New 10 (Humanities)

Bir Shreshtha Motiur Rahman High School

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